
The Sustainable Coffee Company – City Farm

The Sustainable Coffee Company – City Farm

We are collaborating with our sister company Cirrus Fine Coffee to build a pop-up city farm in the car park outside their roastery in Port Melbourne. We are diverting waste produced during the roasting process into our composting systems and using it to grow food. ​​

Our goal is to produce 300 kilograms of produce per annum from 2 car spaces, or 150kg from each car space. The 150kg number is significant as it equates to the recommended annual vegetable consumption of a healthy adult according to studies by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). While we don’t claim we can supplant conventional agriculture, nor provide the diverse mix of year round produce that comprises the modern diet, we are looking very likely to produce the annual vegetable consumption of a healthy adult by weight from one car space over a 12 month period! Urban farming can improve food security and nutrition, urban biodiversity, urban cooling and greening, social connection while reducing food bills and diverting composted food/green-waste into farming.

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