
The Cape Community Garden

The Cape Community Garden


The Cape Community Farm is nestled within the Cape ecovillage located in Cape Paterson in South Gippsland, Victoria. Operating as a not-for-profit organisation it grows wonderful fresh produce in around 350 Foodcube Wicking beds. Some of these beds are managed by the farmer as commercial garden and some are managed by the farm members who can rent plots and grow their own delicious food.

The Cape is a sustainable property development located 2 hours out of Melbourne in Cape Paterson. It is setting the standard for integrated sustainable living in greenfield estates around Victoria with all houses having an energy rating of over 8 stars. 

We supplied this  Foodcube wicking bed farm to a household at the Live At The Cape sustainable community in Cape Paterson that is harvesting large amounts of bok choi, silverbeet, spinach and other leafy greens. The wicking garden beds were incorporated into the design by The Sustainable Landscape Company who also clad the Foodcubes in a nice timber finish, and the netting keeps pests away. This garden is providing this household with some great super local produce, as well as some lovely activity and an engaging hobby. This Foodcube household farm has the potential to grow well over 200 kilograms of fresh produce per annum going forward, which is great for nutrition and a very significant reduction in food bills.

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